Our Methods


We examine our past to better plot our future.

Our tools include a transformative justice model, live performance, social discourse, and community organizing to explore how the past led us to the present; and how we can learn from that past to create a better future.


What Is Transformative Justice?

Using models that have been explored and expanded on by Barnard Center for Research on Women, we follow of transformative justice model and approach for responding to violence, harm and abuse and creating healing outcomes. Transformative justice (TJ) is an abolitionist framework that seeks to respond in a way that does not create more harm, centers those who have been harmed, and works towards making systematic and ongoing change as to avoid the same harmful things from happening again. TJ seeks the participation of all people, including those who may have benefited or upheld oppressive structures and seeks to create true allyship in the process of healing and reparations. 
